如何解决GRE/GMAT 阅读里的“动词焦虑”

朗思教育 顾老师2021-08-05

2025年寒假A-Level/AP校内同步&考前冲刺班 立即咨询

我们做目的题或者主旨题的时候我们会看到选项开头会有些动词,有的读起来平平无奇,比如discuss和explore,有的读起来有明确的态度,比如contradict或者support。对这些题目里面动词的处理一般先考虑基本方向,方向跟原文不同的可以排除;方向差不多但具体意思上稍微有点区别的先不要考虑这些区别,不然容易被误导,这时候应该先考虑后面名词的区别,比如discuss two explanations和explore definitions of a concept里面名词部分有较大区别,一般这个时候答案就出来了;极少数情况下,如果名词部分区别不是很大,最后再考虑动词的程度差别,比如call into question质疑和limit限定有一定的差异。

In 1988 services moved ahead of manufacturing as the main product of the United States economy. But what is meant by "services"? Some economists define a service as something The broader, classical definition is that a service is an intangible something that cannot be touched or stored. Yet electric utilities can store energy, and computer programmers save information electronically. Thus, the classical definition is hard to sustain.

The United States government s definition is more practical: services are the residual category that includes everything that is not agriculture or industry. Under this definition, services includes activities as diverse as engineering and driving a bus. However, besides lacking a strong conceptual framework, this definition fails to recognize the distinction between service industries and service occupations. It categorizes workers based on their company s final product rather than on the actual work the employees perform. Thus, the many service workers employed by manufacturers- bookkeepers or janitors, for example-would fall under the industrial rather than the services category. Such ambiguities reveal the arbitrariness of this definition and suggest that, although practical for government purposes, it does not accurately reflect the composition of the current United States economy.


The author of the passage is primarily concerned with discussing
research data underlying several definitions
arguing for the adoption of a particular definition   
exploring definitions of a concept
comparing the advantages of several definitions   
clarifying some ambiguous definitions



C正确是因为都能找到对应,且能较好概括全文。a concept对应service,definitions这个s加得就很有灵性,因为确实讲了三个。另外全文第二句就是在问service的定义,后面回答一下也比较符合全文主旨。

A recent study shows that southern fulmars bring 40 percent more food to their chicks than do the closely related Antarctic petrels. Yet fulmar chicks are only 20 percent heavier than petrel chicks. Hence, petrel chicks appear to be more efficient at converting their food into body mass. How can this be explained? First, while both species feed their chicks via regurgitation, petrels go on longer foraging trips. These trips may allow petrels to extract more water from the food or to partially digest their stomach contents, thereby creating more energy-rich meals. Thus petrel chicks may receive more nutritious meals than fulmar chicks. Second, fulmar chicks are less well insulated than are petrel chicks and may need to allocate a higher proportion of food energy to thermoregulation rather than growth.


Which of the following best describes the function of the highlighted sentence in the context of the passage as a whole ? 题目问高亮句的作用。

It evaluates a claim. 这个会有同学选是因为觉得这句话说更nutritious,不过这是对一餐饭的评价,而不是选项说的对一个观点的评价。

It identifies an implication of a conjecture. 高亮句有个明显的Thus表示在给结论/结果,所以答案选B,对应implication(影响/后果)。选项里的conjecture对应高亮句前面的may,就是作者自己也不是很确定,大概也许可能吧,纯猜。高亮句就是猜测得出的相应结果。

It reinterprets experimental results. 这是很有迷惑性的错误答案,因为前面说研究发现,这句话算是对研究发现的一种可能解释(阅读里面一般不用考虑interpret和explain的区别)。这个错在re,也就是动词的大方向,reinterpret一般用于反驳/新观点类的文章,前面有一个结果,陈述一下别人对这个结果的解读/解释,转折之后提出自己的解释叫reinterpret。这里没有别人,谈不上re。包括有的选项出现present a novel explanation,novel新的意味着文章中前面可能得有个老的。

It undermines a hypothesis.
It qualifies a theory. D和E的undermine和qualify表示否定,thus句一般不表示否定,however或者nevertheless之类的才表示否定。

一开始我们说到要先考虑大方向,再考虑名词差异,最后没办法的情况下再考虑动词的细微区别。比如我们GRE最后一次阅读课上会讲到的一个题,题目问Which of the following is NOT described in the passage?直接找的话会发现五个答案在原文都出现了,而且跟原文说的一模一样,不可能是矛盾。这时候要仔细考虑题目,题目说的是describe,要被描绘。五个答案虽然都被mentioned,但B选项里的概念在原文中只是提了一嘴,没有具体展开讲是怎样的,没有被described,所以答案是它。





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