1. 农民在种植香草时面临小偷偷窃的问题,因为香草是一种昂贵的农产品。这迫使农民支付额外费用来雇佣人员看守香草,增加了生产成本。
2. 香草价格波动大,有时价格低,这使得农民难以确保每年获得足够的利润,难以进行未来的农场投资。还提到存在中间商,他们在农民和公司之间牟利,导致农民的收益较低。
3. 人造香草与自然生长的香草竞争,人造香草价格更低,可能导致自然香草销售受到冲击。
1. 有解决小偷问题的方法,即通过在香草上标记生产地点。这可以帮助农民追踪被盗的香草,增加小偷被捉的机会,并减少了盗窃率。
2. 农民现在直接向大型食品公司销售香草,而不再依赖贸易商。这意味着农民可以获得更高的收益,并且即使香草市场价格下降,他们仍然能够维持农场的运营。
3. 消费者越来越不喜欢人工成分,更喜欢自然食品。这意味着对于原生的自然香草市场仍然存在需求,尽管人工香草更便宜。
Your professor is teaching a class on international relations. Write a post responding to the professor's question.
In your response, you should do the following.
- Express and support your opinion.
- Make a contribution to the discussion in your own words.
An effective response will contain at least 100 words.
Doctor Achebe:
With so many opportunities to connect nowadays, some people believe that no matter which country we come from, we have more similarities than we have differences. However, others have observed that differences between themselves and people from other countries are growing. In your view, are differences between people from different countries increasing, or are they diminishing? Why?
I think the differences among us are decreasing as our exposure to products from other countries grows. We can enjoy food from any country. We can watch movies made in faraway places. We can go to a store and buy authentic goods from around the world. These things become part of our normal life and make our differences seem smaller.
I understand what Andrew is saying, but for some people, being exposed to differences makes them retreat into their own corner even more. Look at social media. We are exposed to many different people and ideas, but a lot of people talk to only those they agree with and ignore the rest. This only makes the differences between people increase."