
托福学习 Andy2022-11-09



老师工资应该和律师医生business leaders一样高?(家考原题)

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teachers should be paid at least as much as doctors, lawyers, or business leaders are paid.

In this knowledge-oriented society, top priority has been given to education due to its significance in students’ future growth and development(教育类话题固定开头). Under this circumstance, an absolute consensus can hardly be reached whether teachers should obtain a higher salary just like doctors, lawyers or business leaders. I side with advocates based on following sound reasons.

It is universally acknowledged that(众所周知) the importance of education in boosting economic prosperity and social progress can never be exaggerated(--的重要性怎么夸张也不为过). To be specific, each and every(每一个的强调用法) nation depends on the expertise provided by the next generation to advance technological innovations, tackle social issues and ultimately improve the well-being of the whole world. During this process, teachers are of paramount importance(具有至关重要的作用). Not only do teachers impart knowledge to students in an easily understandable way, ensuring youngsters perform better academically, but also answer for(负责) fostering their moral values through instilling a sense of righteousness, honesty and kindness into their minds. It goes beyond any doubt that(毫无疑问) teachers will impose lifelong influences on(施加终身的影响) students’ life planning and career choices, based on which, their income should keep in line with(与---保持一致) that of doctors, lawyers and business leaders.

In addition, becoming a teacher requires backbreaking(艰苦的) efforts and enormous patience so that they need greater financial rewards to compensate for(补偿) their physical and mental sufferings. It has to be admitted that a teacher have the responsibility to prepare lessons ahead of time, motivate the class atmosphere and give feedback to individual students on their academic performances, which is extremely time and energy consuming. Meanwhile, teachers have no alternative but to(不得不) grasp necessary skills to deal with some naughty and even rebellious students properly, and then lead them on the right track, which is bound to(注定是) be a quite demanding task and even a hard nut to crack(棘手的问题). With the aim to attract more talents being poured into the teaching field, teachers ought to be offered relatively higher salary which is worth their tremendous efforts.

Granted, the contributions which doctors, lawyers and business leaders have made demonstrate much more obvious in this increasingly commercialized world, which leads to the fact that they have earned admirable salaries. Accordingly, youngsters in increasing number intend to choose these professions as their careers. However, if the government does not adopt effective measures to raise teachers’ positions through increasing their financial rewards without any delay, it is not unusual to witness a tendency that more high-quality teachers will be drained away(流失), which will cast a shadow on(投下阴影) the cultivation of our younger generations.

In light of the analysis mentioned above, I am convinced that the nation is supposed to make their teachers well paid just like doctors, lawyers and business leaders due to their important role in nurturing students into comprehensive talents and guiding social atmosphere properly.





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