3.具体机经 2020年11月29日 独立口语 2020.4月家考旧题复用: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement that those professors who have received good evaluations from students should be promoted.
Task2 阅读:学校的历史学院要create and maintain web sites for history courses,有课上补充的素材,还有讨论区 听力:女生同意 原因1:上课可能会遗漏信息,有了网站方便多了。而且以前记录的东西可能丢失,但是现在有网站随时可以查看,另外网站素材还可以替换补充 原因2:增加了互动,课后想到问题可以和同学讨论或者在网上问老师
2020年11月22日 独立口语 2020.9月家考旧题复用: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement that good teachers can admit they make mistakes or don’t know something? Please give specific details to support your opinion.
Task4 team member在团队中获得安全感的两种方式 方式1:领导带头犯错,让大家知道犯错是被允许的 方式2:多组织活动交流
2020年11月21日 独立口语 Task1 Some people think educational games in group will benefit for students to study. While others think it may disturb students. Which do you prefer
2020年11月11日 独立口语 Task1 Some professors prefer to answer students’ questions in the end of the lecture, and others stop at different points to answer students’ questions. Which style do you think is better for learning?
2020年11月8日 独立口语 Task1 Do you agree or disagree with the statement that parents should prevent their children from pursuing jobs in competitive fields such as actors, musicians or athletes?
2020年11月7日 独立口语 Task1 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? All university students should be required to take writing or composition courses in their first year of college even if they are not the field of their study.