
网络 无2020-08-28

朗思教育2024年暑假AP/IG课程_新高一衔接课 立即咨询


  比如托福口语写作常考的关于social media的话题:Are Social Networking Sites Good for Our Society?

  比如socialization, efficiency of information, economy, government等横向展开,尽可能地去思考每个思路点拓展出来的分论点。





① Social media allows people to improve their relationships and make new friends.
② Social media facilitates face-to-face interaction.
③ Social media helps senior citizens feel more connected to society.
④ Social media helps people who are socially isolated or shy connect with other people.
⑤ Social media offers teachers a platform for collaboration with other teachers and communication with students outside the classroom.
⑥ Social media allows for rapid communication during crisis events.

关于efficiency of information,杭州托福口语培训班老师给我们可以得出至少8个分论点:
① Social media spreads information faster than any other media.
② Social media sites help students do better at school.
③ Being a part of a social media site can increase a person’s quality of life and reduce the risk of health problems.
④ Social media allows for quick, easy dissemination of public health and safety information from reputable sources.
⑤ “Crowdsourcing” and “crowdfunding” on social media allows people to collectively accomplish a goal.
⑥ Social media provides academic research to a wider audience, allowing many people access to previously unavailable educational resources.
⑦ Social media offers a way for musicians and artists to build audiences even if they don’t have a corporate contract.
⑧ Colleges and universities use social media to recruit and retain students.

① Social media helps empower business women.
② Social media sites help employers find employees and job-seekers find work.
③ Social media is good for the economy.
④ Corporations and small businesses use social media to benefit themselves and consumers.

① Law enforcement uses social media to catch and prosecute criminals.
② Social media increases voter participation.
③ Social media facilitates political change.
④ Social media sites empower individuals to make social change and do social good on a community level.
⑤ Social media can help disarm social stigmas.



  比如托福口语培训班老师给出关于socialization的第6个论据Social media allows for rapid communication during crisis events.

  Over one-third of federal, state, and local law enforcement professionals surveyed say that they use social media to notify the public of emergencies or disasters. Facebook allows users in a crisis region to mark themselves as safe and check to see that friends and family are safe,  such as after the Apr. 2015 Nepal earthquake, the Sep.2015 Chile earthquake, and the Nov. 2015 Paris terrorist attacks. During the Paris terrorist attacks, Parisians tweeted their personal address alongside the hashtag #PorteOuverte (French for "open door") to offer shelter to people who were stranded. In the aftermath of the Sydney café hostage situation in Australia in Dec. 2014, local residents tweeted their routes to work with the hashtag #IllRideWithYou to offer support to Muslims in fear of an Islamophobic backlash.

  再如efficiency of information的第5个,“Crowdsourcing” and “crowdfunding” on social media allows people to collectively accomplish a goal.

  A mother was able to find a kidney donor for her sick child by posting a video on her Facebook page. Planethunters.org, a science social media site, have discovered new planets via crowdsourcing. Crowdrise, a social network devoted to crowdsourcing volunteers and crowdfunding charity projects, raised $845,989 in the 18 days following Hurricane Sandy. The Ice Bucket Challenge fundraising campaign for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) went viral on social media, raising $100.9 million in donations in one month alone.  Pencils of Promise used social media for crowd funding, which has helped the non-profit build 329 schools and educate 33,000 children.






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