朗思教育给同学们带来2020年7月18日托福考试机经,下面是托福口语部分的相关试题学校 music department 在午餐时间,会在 music building举办演奏会,由 music major的学生表演,并且提供免费的午餐。希望对同学们后期的备考和复习提供一些帮助,如果同学们还想了解更多关于考试学习经验,可以随时关注我们网站的其它内容,也可以直接咨询我们线上的老师进行答疑。
阅读:下学期起,学校 music department 在午餐时间,会在 music building举办演奏会,由 music major的学生表演,并且提供免费的午餐。 口语:女同学觉得这点子很棒。 (1)因为她作为一个主修音乐的学生,一学期学了好多曲子,一年却只有一次表演机会,这么一来就能经常表演; (2)有免费的午餐,学生去看也不会耽误午饭时间,因为 music building 离大部分的楼都很远。
The music department at the university will be having concerts in the music building during lunchtime starting next semester, and the woman in the conversation agrees with the new policy. First, according to the announcement, music students will have an opportunity to perform in public. The woman in the conversation finds it a great idea. She s also a music major and has learned and practiced a lot of musical pieces but never gets to perform them. In the past, she could only perform once per year. With this new arrangement, she will be able to perform those pieces in public more often. In addition,the university will be offering free lunch to students during the concert. The woman in the conversation likes this as well because now students can see those concerts while having lunch; they don’t need to worry about not having enough time to get lunch if they go to the concerts. For these reasons, the woman in the conversation supports the new policy.