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朗思教育2024年暑假AP/IG课程_新高一衔接课 立即咨询


【20180623大陆】【20190202大陆】More and more people want to buy famous brands with clothes, cars and other items. What are the reasons behind this? Do you think it is a positive or negative development?

Nowadays, there is a growing popularity for brand-name products. Some of such purchases are conspicuous consumption, while others are just in pursuit of good quality. Therefore, I regard this as a neutral development, depending on their motivation.

Some top name items purchasers identify themselves with the products they consume, equating possessions with success. For them, well-known or even luxury brands cannot only bring them gratification, but more importantly, social identity. To own a Porsche marque equals to enter the upper class, although such purchases may be way beyond their affordability, and hence forcing them to tighten their belt. In my opinion, such behavior is irrational and superficial, since material possessions can only bring short-term happiness, and does not guarantee an entrance into another class.

However, other users of brand-name products appear more levelheaded, since the thing they seek in such commodities is quality. For example, people often choose cars of famous brands, since they provide a greater sense of safety, freeing people from worries about car injuries, especially for those who often drive on the expressway. More to the point, high-quality goods can endure for years, making the cost per use lower, and surprisingly, even decreasing carbon footprint. To illustrate, clothes of famous brands often have greater endurance, which can serve for a longer period compared with fast fashion items with a reduced quality. Therefore, I regard such purchase choices smart, environmental-friendly, and economic.

In conclusion, the impacts of the pursuit of famous brands depend on its motivation. Done rationally, it brings benefits to both individuals and society. Otherwise, extravagant shopping will impose an economic burden too heavy for an individual to bear.
(273 words)

【20191214亚太】【20180908大陆】In many countries today people are living in a ‘throw-away society’, where things are used in a short time and then thrown away. What are its causes? What are its problems?


Nowadays there is a growing global consumerism culture, in which people tend to discard commodities only after a few uses. Both the media influence and business strategies have led to this phenomenon, which will impose heavy burdens on personal budgets and the environment.

The media are promoting a consumer culture by equating material possessions with success. Under such influence, people tend to regard commodities as their source of gratification, which leads to unfettered consumption. They are educated to believe that the more they buy, the happier they will become, and the more benefits they will bring to the economy and society. The manufacturers are further fueling this trend by planned obsolescence, making goods less endurable or go out of trend faster. The latter is especially true in the fast fashion industry, with perceived durability much shorter than physical durability due to frequent launches of seasonal products.

The continual buying, consuming, and throwing away of material possession affect the shoppers’ economic status as well as the environment. Those who splurge out on loads of new clothes, cosmetic, and daily necessities even before the old ones are worn out, often turn out to be unable to make ends meet. Everything they purchase has consumed a large sum of resources to produce, energy to transport, and packaging to present. When discarded after a short period of usage, the commodities will pose risk to the environment again, since many of them are non-biodegradable, or will cause soil and water pollution if not processed properly.

In conclusion, the throw-away trend caused by companies’ manufacturing and marketing strategies will lead to personal expenditures uncovered, resource depletion, and environmental degradation.
(273 words)

【20190117大陆】In some countries, people waste a lot of food which is bought in shops and restaurants. What do you think are the reasons? What can be done to solve this problem?


Food waste has become a common phenomenon in some countries, which is due to either conspicuous hospitality or raised health awareness, which can be effectively solved by promoting informed shopping and ordering decisions.

In many cultures, hosts tend to order more dishes than their guests can consume to show their hospitality or economic strength. Such conspicuous behaviours are due to the common belief that the more food left, the more hospitable the inviters appear to be. Therefore, a certain degree of waste is a key factor for a cordial treat. Another contributing factor to scraps is that people have better concern for health. Instead of overeating until feeling stuffed, people tend to leave off with an appetite. And they no longer eat leftovers, not to mention decaying food. Therefore, leftovers or expired food are often discarded.

To tackle such problems, changing public perception is the most effective method. Public service advertisements need to be devised to promote a modest treating and dining style. Governments can incentivise restaurants to provide dinner-for-one menus or serve only half portions. Restaurants can in turn charge fees for leftovers, or advise the customers to order less in advance. The same strategies apply to supermarkets and groceries as well, who need to order adequate food, keeping the shelf life in mind. By doing so, the chances of customers buying products reaching sell-by dates are reduced, which will be less likely to be tossed.

To conclude, food waste originated from social and health considerations can be reduced with proper propaganda.
(253 words)

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