
网络 无2020-10-14


These diagramsillustrate the differences of the layout about the Islip town centre at presentand in the future.At present, in themiddle of the town centre, a main road from west to east goes through two linesof shops, which are on both northern and southern sides respectively.

Besides, tothe southern shops, there are two housing areas with a northern housing and a southernhousing .

A park connectedwith the main road through a path is located to the east of the housing areas,and a school to the southwest of them.

When it comes tothe future plan, the main road is projected to be substituted by a pedestrianpavement, and northern shops are planned to be converted into a modern centreconsisting of a bus station, a shopping centre, a car park and a new housingplace respectively.

Additionally, thenorthern housing area is proposed to be divided into a new housing area and anoriginal housing area.

However, themost obvious change is that the modern centre, pedestrian pavement ,southernshops, and reconstructed housing area are proposed to be enclosed by anannularly dual carriageway, while the school, the formal southern shops beingleft to the carriageway’s south.

Overall, anannularly dual carriageway is planned to be built revolving around the mainparts of Islip town centre, while some main facilities such as park is proposedto be remained.




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