雅思写作话题:终身学习(lifelong learning)

雅思学习 未知2022-12-26


Without the skills to stay useful as innovations arrive, workers suffer, and if enough of them fall behind, society starts to fall apart.


Automation in factories and offices once called forth a surge in college graduates and today robotics and artificial intelligence call for another education revolution. This time, people must also be able to acquire new skills throughout their careers.


雅思写作话题:终身学习(lifelong learning)

Unfortunately, the lifelong learning that exists today mainly benefits high achievers—and is therefore more likely to exacerbate inequality than diminish it. If 21st-century economies are not to create a massive underclass, policymakers urgently need to work out how to help all their citizens learn while they earn.


The classic model of education is breaking down. One reason is the need for new and constantly updated skills. Manufacturing increasingly calls for brain work rather than manual work.

经典的教育模式正在崩溃。 原因之一是对新的且不断更新的技能的需求。 制造业越来越需要脑力劳动而不是体力劳动。

Pushing people into ever-higher levels of formal education at the start of their lives is not the way to cope. Just 16% of Americans think that a four-year college degree prepares students very well for a good job. Although vocational education promises that vital first hire, those with specialized training tend to withdraw from the labor force earlier than those with general education—perhaps because they are less adaptable.


Self-employment is spreading, leaving more people to take responsibility for their own skills. Taking time out later in life to pursue a formal qualification is an option, but it costs money and most colleges are geared towards youngsters.

gear sth. towards sth.: 使...适合于


Many providers are building businesses on the promise of boosting and rebooting careers. Massive open online courses have veered away from lectures on Plato or black holes in favor of courses that make their students more employable. By offering degrees online, universities are making it easier for professionals to burnish their skills.


Online learning requires some IT literacy, yet one in four adults in the OECD has no or limited experience of computers.






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