
雅思学习 未知2022-11-15


提前熟悉和掌握雅思考试写作话题,对雅思备考是非常有必要的,我们前面也给大家汇总过很多雅思写作话题物料,本期我们从网上继续给大家分享一下multicultural society的利弊,也就是多元化社会的利弊,下面大家接触这个话题的时候,是如何来安排文章的呢。

multicultural society的利弊

With the introduction of newer and faster means of transportation, the number of people migrating from one country to another has increased dramatically. Most of them migrate to a more developed country in search of better job opportunities, education, and lives.

From an economic perspective, immigration can be extremely positive. Many immigrants have skills that are needed in the country they move to, so immigrants who find work contribute to the economy of their new country. A country can expand its talent pool by encouraging immigration, so many companies can find talents that fits the budget.

From a cultural perspective, a multicultural society may promote an exchange of culture and this inevitably enriches a person as new approaches and conducts to experience may be garnered.

However, a multicultural society faces the communication challenges presented by multiple language use, contrasting values, and cultural prejudice.

One major problem with multiculturalism is religious differences and understanding other religions can be a very difficult obstacle to overcome. In cross-cultural interaction, speakers sometimes assume that what they believe is right, because they have grown up thinking their way is the best. This assumption can result in negative judgments about other cultures.

Some people argue that multiculturalism has not meant the integration of diverse cultures, but an acceptance by the dominant ethnic category of the "exotic" foods, dress and rituals of the cultural minorities. But that is not the case, at least, in most multicultural societies.

The debate over multiculturalism is essentially the debate over whose values will be imposed. Therefore, cultural assimilation may occur as a person or a group's language and, or culture come to resemble those of another group.

We tend to be relatively unconscious of other cultures, and unfortunately, much hostility is created by our ignorance of other cultures and the failure to recognize their existence.

In any multicultural society, the degree of tolerance and respect plays an important role in determining whether a multicultural society is an advantage or otherwise. The presence of tolerance in a society amongst members of different backgrounds and ethics can ensure a stable political situation as well as a stable economy, as members of the society do not merely respect each other but also value peace amongst themselves. This enables the society itself to cultivate friendship amongst members of different cultures and helps the country grow and prosper.





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