2023年3月共进行了4次雅思考试,分别是3日、10日、17日、24日。 具体每个part的topic part 1:儿童活动,预定公寓,机票预订,找房子搬家 part 2:企业员工培训,英国的驾照申请和路况,景点介绍,音乐节 part 3:日本老师评论学生的课堂展示,学校科学教育,企业品牌重塑,讨论水泵设计 part 4:家庭化学防腐处理,美洲霸王蝶迁徙,古代油画的复原,食品和儿童健康的调查 趋势及备考建议 1. 本月考试题型依旧稳定填空题和客观题55开,填空稳定出现在p1和p4。 --学生需要熟悉填空的基本考察方式,即可应对题目。并把基础夯实,场景词汇需要做到熟练的听+拼。 -- 注意单词格式、拼写以及单复数等问题,避免不必要的失分。 2. 考试趋势: Ø 本月听力考试基本都是正常难度,但有2场考试part 4的填空题出现了难倒很多考生的答案词,比如6月3日的ozone layer,nitrogen和6月17日的saliva。此类词不容易拼写,需要大家在学术场景词汇上下些功夫。 Ø 6月10日的part 3对话中的老师有日本口音,有学生反应听着很大舌头,语速快,很影响做题。对口音不适应的同学可以结合课上讲的发音特点,多听现有剑桥音频内带口音的篇章,以避免在考试中出现措手不及的状况。 现在让我们来回顾一下 本月都有哪些题 6月3日 part 1 新题/旧题:旧题 场景:休闲娱乐场景 主题:儿童活动介绍 题型及数量:10填空题 1-10) 填空 1. discount price: 26.65 per day 2. 当天具体活动depend on the weather 3. ticket not includes the lunch 4. 额外携带clothes, such as trousers and jacket 5. location: beside the lake 6. activity: different types of climbing 7. activity: mountain hike 8. activity: riding motor, organization will provide a helmet 9. 不能使用long stick 10. 孩子要遵守规定, race is not allowed part 2 新题/旧题:新题 场景:工作场景 主题提示:企业员工培训 题型:多选+配对 待回忆 part 3 新题/旧题:旧题 场景:学术场景 主题:评价学生课堂演讲 题型及数量:4选择+6配对 21-24)选择 21. the tutor recommends that student should have A. given credit to the originator of JIT, the US 22. the student regrets that he had omitted B. the introductory definition of JIT 23. the data information found by the student is from C. a textbook 24. the tutor thinks the system may not be useful because C. unlikely to be accepted by the most important customers 25-30) 配对 25. speed of delivery: C. too irregular 26. purpose: F. too vague 27. transition: D. too sudden 28. pictures: G. too loosely related 29. vocabulary: E. too technical 30. body language: H. too unenthusiastic part 4 新题/旧题:旧题 场景:学术讲座 主题:家庭化学防腐处理 题型及数量:10填空 31-40)填空 31. using chemicals may affect the ozone layer 32. methyl bromide reduces the colour of paint 33. protect the food and being kept in a sealed bag 34. if it was applied in more humid countries, it would be more expensive 35. exposure time: it can be used for as long as 14 days 36. sealed environment with nitrogen 37. a scientist had successfully preserved a wooden sculpture 38. chemical from some skins of frogs 39. like natural occurring pesticides to kill bacteria 40. not effective in moisture 6月10日 part 1 新题/旧题:新题 场景:租房场景 主题:预定公寓 题型及数量:10填空 1-10)填空(答案不全,待补充) 1.7.40 2.security 3. bike 4. Wood 5. card part 2 新题/旧题:旧题 场景:城市生活 主题:英国驾照申请和路况 题型及数量:5选择+5配对 11-15) 选择 11. what do you need to exchange for driving in the UK? C. current residents in the UK 12. what does the speaker say about the transaction (witness interpretation) A. need to go to an official agency 13. why were the photos rejected B. cream background instead of mono grey 14. What does the speaker think about the check service? A. speed up the process 15. suggest for quick application? C. filed via the internet 16-20) 配对 16. London: have clear signs 17. Edinburg: good traffic light 18. Cardiff: multiple lanes 19. Manchester: ring roads around the city 20. Oxford: many roads into the city center part 3 新题/旧题:新题 场景:学术讨论 主题:学校科学教育 题型及数量:5单选+5配对 21-25) 单选题 21. 对书单上书的看法,不知道哪些最有用,选 A 22. 对D作者的看法,积极参与其中学习效果最好,选 B 23. 对B作者的看法,很乐于将其方法用在自己的教学中,选 A 24. 对于科学教育项目,双方对方看法都有意见,选 C 25. 目前做的准备,是见了工作坊的老师,选 A 26-30)配对题 26. Bending water: noisy 27. takes a lot of time 28. combine science and art 29. Vinegar Volcano: linked to what the children are learning 30. Swimming egg: surprising result part 4 新题/旧题:旧题 场景:学术讲座 主题:美洲霸王蝶的冬眠和迁徙 题型及数量:10填空 31. Some butterflies in South America hibernate in the form of an egg 32. Save energy accumulated for the formative stage 33. Certain caterpillars in the far north produce a chemical of blood similar to antifreeze to protect the larva 34. Can’t live for long in cold conditions. Some mechanisms can only operate in warm weather 35. Monarch butterflies in winter stay in North America 36. Survival skill help can last for up to 6 months for the long journey 37. At night they stay in the trees 38. Finding their ways to follow the rivers 39. They also orient by using the sun and the possibility of flowers 40. Watching the migration can be of good interest to the increasing number of tourists