
朗思教育 陈老师2021-02-04


- Listening -
Part 1
Topic:租房中介和租户对话,先讨论位置,后谈价钱 ,然后登记租户信息,最后给了5个推荐的properties,问租户very interested,not sure,还是not interested
Type of Questions:2单选;3填空;5配对
Questions 1-2
1. Which location does the man prefer?
A. Near the station
B. Near leisure centre
C. Near the park
2. How much does the man expect per month?
A. Under 450
B. 450-600
C. Over 600

Part 2
Type of Questions:6道单选题+4道多选题
1.Why does Jane recommend people to come here on Tuesday?
选B:free entry
2.关于educational workshops什么时候有?
选C:each afternoon
选A:cheaper (have a discount)
选C:the location (same spot……)
选B:free entertainment
选C:have a meal in an old train restaurant(答案不确定)
7&8 family tickets里面包括什么?选B和D
A an educational talks
B a children’s book
C 暂缺
D flag
E a tour
9&10 关于投票(答案不是很确定 选A D)
A people at any age
B only local people can vote for
C you can vote for it by email
D you can vote for several times
E vote ends at midnight on Saturday
Part 3
Topic:Polar bear
Type of Questions:单选+配对
Questions 21-30

21.Alice and Dan felt the debate about polar bear was great because….
A. enough time to debate
B everyone could express their own feelings
C. a wide range of sources to read

22.Dan thinks polar bears’ main threat should be…..
A. disease
B. loss of habitat

23. What did Dan find that was challenging?
A. speak while other listening
B. be interrupted by others

24.What did Dan say about how to protect the polar bears?
A. breeding program in zoos
B.build new habits for them
C.provide them food in Arctic

25. what did Alice realize the importance of ?
B. motivated by body languages
C.take note only necessary

26. Preparing the debate made Dane felt….
A. improve research skills
B. understand the topic better
Question27-30 配对 what did Alice and Dane agreed about the Video ?
script             variety of work
location           pay attention to more details
actors             innovation

- Reading -
Passage 1
Title:Wood: a valuable source of New Zealand in economy
Type of Questions:判断正误+简答题
P1: With the settlement of New Zealand by European immigrants, timber plays an important role in ….
P2:讲一种indigenous species叫 kauri 的植物,是主要的木材,但是数量比较少,虽然出口,但是由于the rate of harvest is unsustainable , 到了后面出口量就下降。
Part3: 讲一种imported species叫radiata pine tree 开始发展,用来出口,出口的国家主要是日本,中国,韩国,澳大利亚等。
Part4: 讲radiata pine tree的各种广泛运用, 这些还主要是出口。
Part6:讲到在世界市场上还是面对很多竞争的,然后讲了竞争来自于那些国家(包括southern hemisphere的Scandinavian countries)

Passage 2
Title:Healthy in Space
Type of Questions:段落信息+句子填空+人名观点配对
14. conflicts of effects on human 选E(opposite effect)
15. the ways of dealing with lack of hospital services 选G (NASA提出的机器人和远程操控手术)
16.a way to protect a spacecraft that produce another problem 选C (pose another challenge)
17. to replicate a power like that of our planet 选D(magnetic field)
18. the warning research give us to have exercises in space 选 A (alarm前出现的例子是一个experiment)
19.examples of ailments people suffer from in space 选B (motion sickness、facial……)

20-22:句子填空题(顺序,NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS)
20. most common disease people have in space is motion sickness
21. the cause for diseases is weightlessness

23和26都是NASA team提出的,关于medical方面的,在G段
Passage 3

Title:Sports as carnival
Type of Questions:5句子配对;4判断;5单选

In the industrialized countries....
P1 At the very beginning of the twentieth century, there are few settings...(第一段按时间顺序写的,出现了1950s,1970-1980s等,大致写了sports events庆祝方式的演变)  
P2 大概提到了一些hooliganism的相关信息
P3 提到了一些fans观看比赛衍生的互动行为,都分别进行了解释,先是“feasting”,然后是“synchroclapping”,最后提到the“wave”。
后面有2段落有提到电视观看对fans的影响,有提到younger fans,older fans,这里出了2道选择题。

- Writing -
Task 1
The graph below gives information about the number of marriages in the UK between 1951-2001.
Task 2
More people than ever before are traveling to other countries.
Why is the case?
Is it a positive or negative development?

- Speaking -
Part 1
1) Let’s talk about where you live. Do you like the area that you live in?
2) Where do the family and children can go in that area?

1)Do you recycle now?
2)Did you recycle when you were young?
3)What kind of things are recycled?
4)Do you think it is important to teach children to recycle at school?

1)Do you find it hard to concentrate when you were young?
2)What do you do to help you concentrate?
Part 2
Describe an occasion where you forgot something   important
You should say:
What it was
Why you forgot about it
And explain when you realized you have forgotten it
Part 3
Do you often forget things?
How did people remember things in the past?
How can people improve their memory?

- Speaking -
Part 1
1) Where do you live? A house or apartment?
2) What’s in your apartment?
3) What can you see from your window?
4) Is there anything that makes you feel happy lately?
5)Can you stay happy all the time?
Part 2
Describe a time you made a promise to someone
You should say:
Who you made the promise to
What the promise was
Why you made that promise
Explain how difficult you kept the promise
Part 3
1)In China, do parents make promise to their children?
2)Do you think parents should give some promises to make children stop crying?
3)What do you think if parents don’t keep their promise after that?
4)What do you think people breaking their promise?
5)What do people do if they break their promise?





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