
网络 未知2023-08-23

朗思教育2024年暑假AP/IG课程_新高一衔接课 立即咨询



With the increasing demand for energy sources of oil and gas, people should look for sources of oil and gas in remote and untouched places. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages of damaging such areas? 


The shortage of energy such as oil and gas has become one of the most urgent problems in modern world. To solve the problem, many suggest that we go to the remote and untouched places for more sources of energy. To my mind, however, this is a suggestion that may produce mixed results.

Looking for new energy in uninhabited areas is a very attractive idea. Such places always abound with energy desperately needed by human race, thus attracting generations of people to take their chances. Besides, the exploration of energy in these areas has little immediate impact on the everyday life of people since it happens far away from where they live.

But doing so may have a lot of problems as well. To start with, it would involve tremendous costs to find energy in these places. People will have to build houses, and roads to transport food and other daily necessities, all of which will be so expensive that the costs may far exceed the benefits. More importantly, looking for energy in the remote areas will almost certainly damage their natural environment. As plants and animals die out, the whole ecosystem will be upset, the long-term effect of which would be devastating.

In my personal opinion, therefore, people should not be encouraged to invade the unpopulated areas in order to protect themselves from the energy crisis, for the aftermaths would be unbearable. To solve the energy problem, people should first of all learn to save energy whenever possible, and then develop alternative energy sources such as solar energy and water energy.


urgent  紧迫的;急迫的

to my mind  在我看来;我认为

mixed results  好坏参半的结果

uninhabited  无人居住的

abound with  富含......

desperately  极端地

involve  涉及;包含

tremendous  巨大的

exceed  超过

ecosystem  生态系统

upset  扰乱

long-term effect  长远的效果

devastating  摧毁性的

unpopulated  无人居住的

aftermath  (不好的)后果

alternative  替换的






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