雅思写作话题:如何治理交通拥堵(traffic policy)

网络 未知2023-01-12


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An Enemy of the people-carrier

Concerned about pollution and congestion, a growing number of local governments are trying to reduce the number of drivers in Europe’s big cities.

Some, like London and Stockholm, have imposed congestion charges to discourage driving during peak hours. Paris has tried banning cars from driving on certain days, depending on whether they have even or odd number plates. Perhaps the most ambitious plan to curb cars comes from Oslo.

The most visible change in Norway’s capital has been the removal of public parking, with more benches, bicycle docks and pavement.

Another big change has come in the form of zoning reform. Some roads in the city centre have been closed off to private cars; others have been changed so that traffic can only flow in one direction.

The reforms have not come easily, however. Norway’s conservatives are deeply wedded to the idea of car ownership, and shopkeepers worry that fewer cars might mean fewer customers. It is still too early to assess how effective the new measures have been.

The fact that the city’s efforts to curb traffic have been so controversial has forced the government to take an incremental approach, constantly negotiating with suspicious business owners.





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