雅思写作范文:完美社会需要什么(perfect society)

网络 未知2022-12-26




Throughout the history, people dream to live in a perfect society while they haven't agreed how the ideal society would be like. What do you think is the most important element of a perfect society in the modern world? How can people do to achieve an ideal society? (2022/12/24)


本题首先需要定义什么是完美社会,在诸多因素中,找出最重要的那个元素(the most important element)。当然,写作不是做数学题,哪个是最重要的元素并无唯一正确答案,只要考生能自圆其说就没有问题。找到这个最重要的元素后,就可以讨论怎样才能实现的问题。




Ever since its appearance,mankind has been trying to build a perfect society, but there has never been a consensus of opinion about what a perfect society would be like.

Ancient Greek thinker Plato once said the ideal society should be governed by philosophers.He may have been right,but a philosopher cannot possibly create an ideal societyin a world ascomplicated astoday's.The most fundamental thing for a perfect society is,of course, that all members are free from poverty, which means the society must be wealthy. At the same time,they should also feel they have been well protected from danger. No society is perfect ifits members cannot enjoy this sense of security.

A sense of belonging is also a cornerstone for a perfect society. Without common values people will not feel they are part of a community,then they will feel lonely and estranged,and eventually become indifferent, or even hostile, to each other
Yet the most important element of an ideal society,I think, is equality among its members.ByequalityI do not mean that everybody should possess the same amount of wealthwhich is not possiblebut that there is no bias against anyone. regardless of his birth race, sex, occupation, and religion.

Howto construct asocietyin which all are equal? I think three steps are essential. In the first place,a general environment must be created in which all people are respected. Secondly laws and rules must be made to ensure that there is no prejudice in job market, education, or medical services,or any other fields whatsoever. Most import of all, a mechanism should be set up so that everyone in the society enjoys equal opportunities to fulfill his or her dreams.





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