在雅思口语考试当中,有不少烤鸭在现场遇到颜色类的话题,比如说What your favourite colour?Do you like dark colours?等等之类关于颜色的话题,今天我们给大家分享雅思口语8分素材:颜色(colour),希望对同学们的备考有所帮助!
常见问题 1) What your favourite colour? 2) Do you usually wear clothes in your favourite colours? 3) Are there any colours you dislike? 4) Do you like dark colours or light colours?
1. What’s your favourite colour? 回答范例:Well I like blue most if we are talking about clothes, because it’s the color that never goes wrong, no matter to show my complexion or to match other clothes. 亮点词:Complexion 气色、肤色 思路解析:(维度低)蓝色——缩小范围:穿着——指出好处:显气色 + 好搭配
2. Do you usually wear clothes in your favourite colors? 回答范例:Sure, half of my wardrobe is filled with blue clothes, like blouses, dresses and sweaters. Sometimes, however, I would like to be in other colors to have different styles. 亮点词: Wardrobe 衣柜 Blouse 女士衬衫 思路解析:(维度低) 经常穿:强调喜欢的程度 (半个衣柜的蓝色)——偶尔换个风格
3. Are there any colours you dislike? 回答范例:Honestly speaking, I believe every color has its charm and special feature. I love all of them. For example, I don’t like yellow clothes which in my eyes is too loud as for my character, but I’m crazy about yellow ornaments, like pictures and vases. It makes my room liven up.
4. Do you like dark colours or light colours? 回答范例:I prefer light colors, especially at home. I believe light colors make my room look spacious and tidy, but at the same time, usually furniture in light colors need much time and attention to take care. 亮点词:Spacious 宽敞明亮的 思路解析:(维度低)通常浅色:家的颜色(缩小范围)——理由:显得明亮整洁 + 但是要仔细打理