雅思口语Part 3话题:Important skills

网络 顾老师2022-06-17


说到重要的技能,或许大家第一时间联想到的都是与职业发展或人生规划相关的技能,如时间管理、金钱管理、交流交际、组织技能、语言技能、电脑技能等,本期我们给大家从网上收集到的一个雅思口语Part 3话题:Important skills,大家可以了解一下。


develop/possess/have a whole set of skills/a range of skills 培养/掌握/拥有各种技能

time management 时间管理 n.

money/investment/financial/asset management 金钱/投资/金融/资产管理 n.

communication skills 沟通能力

organisational skills 组织能力

linguistic/language skills 语言能力

computer skills 电脑技能

be computer-literate 懂电脑的

make a difference 有影响

is directly/closely related to 与…… 直接/紧密联系

career path/development 职业生涯/发展

advance in one's career 在事业上进步

gain an edge 获取优势,占得优势

prioritise tasks 处理好任务的轻重缓急


Today, young people are expected to have a variety of skills in order to advance in their careers.

Common and frequently mentioned skills include time management, computer skills, and organisational skills, especially if you have the ambition to be a top-level manager.

As you're likely to be overwhelmed by daunting tasks one after another, being able to manage time effectively will allow you to prioritise tasks and complete them in a more organised manner.




survival/life skills 生存/生活技能

cooking/culinary skills 做饭技能

if the fruit is still fresh 某个水果是否新鲜

its flesh is tender and juicy 果肉柔软多汁

green pepper 青椒

go off 变质

can’t go together 不能一起吃

during the lockdown 在封锁期间

cotton on/come to realise 渐渐明白,意识到

how important it is to … 做……多么重要

food delivery is not available 食物外送无法使用

completely rely on communities for food supplies 完全依靠社区发放食材

fill one's belly 填饱肚子


Ironically, many people today have all sorts of skills for their jobs but lack basic life skills like cooking. They simply rely on takeouts or processed food.

A startling number of people, particularly young people, don't know a thing about how to tell if the fruit is ripe and fresh or if its flesh is tender and juicy. They buy some fruits home but end up having some that have gone off inside.

During the lockdown, when everyone totally relies on communities for food supplies, not knowing how to cook means you won't be able to fill your belly.



shocking/disturbing news/stories 令人骇闻/令人不安的新闻

self-defence 自我防护

be stalked 被尾随

harassment 骚扰 n.

be harassed 被骚扰

sexual assault X侵犯/攻击

violence 暴力 n.

a vicious attack/assault on sb. 恶意攻击某人

in broad daylight 光天化日之下

bully 欺凌

physically strong 身强体壮

ferocious 凶猛的,残忍的

confront 对抗

escalate 使升级

escape 逃跑,逃离


A series of shocking stories about vicious attacks on women have highlighted the importance of self-defence tactics.

Learning self-defence is not about encouraging girls to confront ferocious, physically strong offenders but teaching them how to take the chance to escape.

How can we females feel safe and secure when women are being stalked, bullied, or harassed even in broad daylight?



vulnerable group 弱势群体

go unpunished 不受惩罚

be bullied/attacked/assaulted 被欺负/攻击/侵犯

depressing/terrific news 令人沮丧/恐惧的消息

desperate/hopeless 绝望的/无望的

victim-blaming 归咎受害者(的想法/观点/行为)


When such accidents occur, we must avoid the trap of victim-blaming. It's not the victims who encourage crime, but criminals who believe they will go unpunished or only be fined and slightly punished for such offences.

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