很多同学在考雅思口语的时候,就出现了放弃的情况,特别是在Part3部分经常出现无话可说的情况,而出现这种情况的主要原因还是自己的知识储备不太够,今天给大家分享一下雅思口语话题范文及答题思路:Family business 家族企业。
The family restaurant is a common type of family business in China. Typically, one or two family members own this type of restaurant, where other family members work as receptionists, waiters, waitresses, or cleaning staff.
During the 1990s, millions of people who had previously worked for state-owned enterprises were laid off. Since then, many people have chosen to make a living by running a family restaurant or a food stall at night markets.
You’ve already spent plenty of time with them, so you know well their character flaws. In this way, it saves you a lot of time getting used to their way of handling things, temperament and so on.
There’s a sense of deep intimacy between you and the people working around you because they’re not just your partners, co-workers, superiors or subordinates. They’re family members who genuinely care and love you and whom you can count on.
catering businessservice 餐饮生意餐饮服务
family restaurant 家庭餐厅餐馆
food stall 小吃摊
flower shop 花店
grocery (store) 杂货店
recreational farm 休闲农场
e-commerce 电商
online retailer 网上零售商
a mom-and-pop store 夫妻店
help out 帮忙
work temporarily 临时工作
work part-time 兼职
be self-employed
massivelarge-scale layoffs 大规模裁员
laid-off worker 下岗员工
make a living by … 通过……谋生