雅思口语Part 2:喜欢的电视节目

网络 未知2023-08-07


本期我们要给大家分享一下雅思口语Part 2考试当中的一道题目是关于自己喜欢的节目,A TV program you enjoy watching。这个题目其实和电影、书籍那类的题目大同小异。在处理这类题目时,我们如何跳出纯粹的“节目介绍”,融合自己的经历、感受?这里从网上给大家分享一下口语案例,希望对备考的同学们有所帮助!

I’d like to talk about the Amazing Race, a popular reality show in America. In fact, this award-winning show has gained huge popularity in my country as well. During the show, eleven teams will race around the world and complete interesting challenges. The winning team will receive a prize of 1 million dollars.

the Amazing Race 《极速前进》

win huge popularity 深受欢迎

winning team 获胜的队伍

award-winning show 得奖的节目

reality show 真人秀

Well, I first knew about this show many years ago. In fact, I came across it on a live-streaming site. Since then, the show has been a pastime for my roommates and me. I still remember that we would curl up together on Sunday nights to watch the show and discuss the race enthusiastically. Sometimes funnily, we even experienced emotional roller coasters because of the show. For example, we got anxious when our pet competitors faced problems; we became sad when our beloved team was eliminated, and we became thrilled when our adored team nailed the game and won the prize. To be honest, there were so many times that we imagined ourselves taking part in this reality show. We all imagined winning the million-dollar prize and then travelling around the world!

a live-streaming site 流媒体网站

pastime 消遣,娱乐

curl up together 蜷缩在一块

enthusiastically 激情地

experience emotional roller coasters 情绪波动很大

pet competitor 心爱/喜欢的选手

beloved/adored team 喜欢的队伍

nail the game 拿下比赛

Sadly, however, after graduation, we never got a chance to watch the show together again. And even more sadly, because of COVID-19, the show was brought to a halt. I hope it could restart airing soon. It’s a great TV show, you know.  

be brought to a halt 暂停,中止

restart airing 重新播放






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