
雅思学习 未知2022-12-07


在前面的雅思口语话题素材当中,我们给大家介绍了很多关于人工智能的话题,说到人工智能不得不说的就是机器人了,本期我们要给大家分享一下雅思口语Part 3 机器人在服务行业当中的运用,大家可以看一下哦。


When it first opened in 2015, Henna-na Hotel in Nagasaki, Japan, became the world’s first hotel staffed by robots. The news immediately went viral.

The hotel robots are developed to do a variety of tasks that used to be done by humans, such as front desk services, storage services and check-in and check-out services.

Today, more and more hotels have their basic services done by robots. For example, there’re robot butlers and robot luggage porters, which use a variety of technologies, including collision detection, Wi-Fi and AI.

staff 配备人员,担任工作人员v.

go viral 风靡,火了

front desk services 前台服务

storage services 寄存服务

check-in and check-out services 入住与退房服务

butler 管家

luggage porter 行李搬运工

collision detection 碰撞探测

Amazon began using robotics in its facilities as far back as 2012, wishing to improve productivity in its supply chain.

Using warehouse robots to do manual work, such as lifting and turning large or heavy packages, has helped the company reduce the risk of employee injuries.

Most recently, Amazon introduced Sparrow, a state-of-the-art robot capable of recognising and handling millions of items.

robotics 机器人技术

as far back as 早在

improve productivity 提高生产力

supply chain 供应链

warehouse robot仓储机器人

manual work 体力活

state-of-the-art 尖端的

In the post-covid-19 world, public works and public safety departments have widely used robots to spray disinfectant throughout public spaces.

The use of robots is also widespread at airports and supermarkets, where mobile robots spray chemicals on their facilities and sweep and mop the floor.

Robots have been making their way into restaurants as technology becomes cheaper and demand for contactless services increases.

If you dine at a restaurant, you’ll probably see a bunch of robots moving to and fro. They are busy guiding guests to their tables, delivering food, carrying the dishes back and even singing a birthday greeting for celebrations.

public works 公共事业

public safety departments 公共安全部门

spray disinfectant 喷洒消毒剂

sweep and mop the floor 扫地,拖地

contactless services 无接触服务

a bunch of 一些

move to and fro 来来回回移动





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