
朗思教育 顾老师2021-12-02



本预测涵盖 2021年12月4/11日的笔试口语和机考口语

UKVI和普通雅思皆可使用。注意因为是9月份进入新题换题季,所以部分5-8月份全月新题将会成为9-12月季度的保留题目,12月的同学以准备新题为主。请大家结合题库,预测和串题思路进行复习。Part1,2 红色题为必备考题紫色题为第二重点优先准备, 然后准备蓝色题

重点优先按顺序准备题目,考前确保所有预测都有按顺序刷过一遍* (文档结尾附串题建议)

三大必考题:Work or study/ Hometown/ Accommodation






/Plan/ Getting lost/Flowers and trees/Shoes/Handwriting/Public gardens and parks/Science/Wallet/Environmental Protection/Car trip/Sky and Star/Special Costumes/Advertisement/Primary school



Describe an argument two of your friends had*

Describe an article about health*

Describe a time when you shared something to others*

Describe a famous athlete/sportsman you know*

Describe a businessman you admire*/singer you admire*

Describe a street market that you have been to and you like*

Describe a good service you received*

Describe a café you like to visit*

Describe a time when you gave advice to other*

Describe a company that employs a lot of people

Describe a car/bicycle trip you would like to do*

Describe a movie you watched*/exciting book that you like*

Describe something difficult but you succeed*

Describe a leisure activity near or on the sea and you want to try*

Describe a creative person whose work you admire*

Describe a plan in your life (not related to study or work)*

Describe someone older than you and you admire*

Describe a difficult decision that you once made*

Describe a time when a lot of people were smiling*

Describe a time when you felt you waste of your time*

Describe a time when wait for something special to happen*

Describe something interesting you saw on social media*

Describe a foreign person who you have heard or known that you think is interesting*

Describe a time when you moved to a new house or school*

Describe an exciting book that you enjoy reading*

Describe a person who solved a problem in a smart way*

Describe a time when you were not allowed to use your phone*

Describe a habit you friends has and you want to improve*

Describe an item on which you spent more than expected*

Describe a time when you had to get up early*

Describe a puzzle you have solved

Describe a leisure activity near/on the sea that you want to try

Describe a natural talent that you want to improve.*

Describe something interesting you want to learn about

Describe a polite person/celebrity*/old person you admire (串题singer/intelligent/energetic)

Describe a tall building that you like or dislike

Describe a quiet place you like to spend time in*

Describe a person who impressed you most when you were in primary school

Describe a piece of equipment that is important in your home

Describe a city or town you want to live in the future/for holiday

Describe something emergent happened during the waiting

Describe something interesting you saw on social media

Describe a local news that people are interested in

Describe something you like to do after school or work


1)Describe a plan in your life (not related to work ot study)

=Describe a leisure activity near or on the sea and you want to try*

=Describe a quiet place you like to spend time in*

=Describe a car/bicycle trip you would like to do*

2)Describe an argument two of your friends had*

=Describe a person who solved a problem in a smart way*

=Describe a time when you gave advice to other*

3)Describe a time when you shared something to others*

=Describe a movie you watched*/exciting book that you like*

=Describe an article about health*

=Describe something interesting you saw on social media*

4)Describe a good service you received*

=Describe a café you like to visit*

=Describe a company that employs a lot of people

=Describe a street market that you have been to and you like*

5)Describe a time when you had to wait in a line

=Describe a time when you had to get up early*

=Describe a time when you felt you waste of your time*

6)Describe a puzzle you have solved

=Describe an item on which you spent more than expected*

=Describe something difficult but you succeed*












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