
网络 无2021-09-23

前几天,有同学在网上问老师,雅思口语Part 2当中,描述自己童年里最喜欢的玩具,乐高应该是很多小朋友的最爱,可以锻炼思维能力和动手能力,一直到现在,我也很喜欢玩。所以今天,我们就来结合这道雅思口语话题,来学习如何描述乐高吧。

本期Part 2话题
Describe a toy you liked in your childhood.
You should say:
What kind of toy it is
When did you get it
How did you play with it
And how you felt about owning it.

I d like to share with you one of my favorite toys which is Lego. It was my 8-year birthday gift given by my parents. I remember when I was a kid, I always loved the toys I could use to build something.

I think everyone knows about how to play Lego. Basically, you have blocks of different shapes that you can interlock together to build something. Think about some of your favorite places to go, whether it s a museum, someone’s house, or a national landmark, then use you imagination to create it on your own. Or build themed sets is a lot fun. For example, if you have a themed pirate set with a boat and a beach, try changing the landscape and creating a forest instead.

I loved playing with these toys because it taught me how to build things. It was a creative outlet. This activity is also really good for exercising my ability to think outside the box and imagine new solutions to familiar problems. Plus, part of the fun playing with Lego is spreading them out all around you and letting your imagination run wild. So, to be honest, I m crazy about it.

Well, that s the toy I wanna share with you. Thank you.

1. be obsessed with 对…着迷
2. infinite adj. 无限
3. compliment v./n. 称赞




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