雅思口语话题:Doing exercise,锻炼,健身,运动

网络 无2021-06-29


备考雅思的同学(抛开自学雅思的烤鸭们)们应该在雅思培训老师的带领下,应该也都知道雅思口语常考话题,或者说高频雅思口语话题有哪些?在上周我们不分同学雅思口语考试中遇到的电影、国际历史等等话题,都在我们Allen老师的预测当中,本期我们给大家分享一下Doing exercise,锻炼,健身,运动类的口语话题。

1、regular exercise 有规律的锻炼
Do you like to keep fit? We re always told that regular exercise is good for our body and mind. 你喜欢健身吗?总有人告诉我们有规律的锻炼对我们的身体和精神都有好处。

2、improve their fitness 提高身体素质
get obsessed 过度沉迷
overdo it 做多了
take up activities 从事活动
More and more people are taking up activities that improve their fitness. But is there a risk some of us might get obsessed and overdo it?越来越多的人从事提高身体素质的健身活动。但是,我们当中的一些人是否有过度沉迷的风险呢?


3、has become an obsession  已经上瘾
aim for perfection 追求完美
Well, for some people, fitness has become an obsession as they aim for perfection.对一些人来说,健身已经上瘾,因为他们追求完美。

4、fitness trackers and apps 健身追踪器和应用程序
add to this addiction 会让人更上瘾
is driven by achievement and perfectionism 追求卓越成效和完美主义
And fitness trackers and apps can add to this addiction,especially if someone is driven by achievement and perfectionism. 健身追踪器和应用程序会让人更上瘾,尤其是那些追求卓越成效和完美主义的人。

5、becomes public and competitive 变得具有公开性和竞争性
And sharing data on social media means exercising becomes public and competitive, which could cause problems in someone who is vulnerable.在社交媒体上分享数据意味着锻炼变得具有公开化和竞争性,这可能会给弱势群体带来困扰。

addiction to healthy eating and over- exercise 对“健康”饮食和过度运动上瘾

Experts say this can lead to a medical condition called orthorexia nervosa, or addiction to healthy eating and over- exercise. 专家说,这可能会导致一种被称为“神经正食症”的医学状况,也就是对“健康”饮食和过度运动上瘾。

6、malnutrition and mental health complications  营养不良和心理健康并发症
Untreated, it can lead to malnutrition and mental health complications.

7、higher Instagram usage  更多次社交媒体的使用
increased likelihood of developing orthorexia 更多次出现“正食症”

8、influencers 有影响力的人
According to a BBC Worklife article:“Research from scientists at University College London in 2017 found that higher Instagram usage was associated with increased likelihood of developing orthorexia,  especially among followers of the healthy eating influencers.据英国广播公司《工作生活》的一篇文章称伦敦大学学院的科学家在2017年的研究发现,使用社交媒体的次数越多,就越有可能出现“正食症”。尤其是在“健康饮食型网红的粉丝群体中。”

9、take its toll on someone s physical health  对人的身体健康造成损害
Too much exercise can also take its toll on someone s physical health as well. 过多的运动也会对人的身体健康造成损害。

10、symptoms 症状
stress fractures 应力性骨折
a low immune system 免疫力低下
tendinitis 肌腱炎
Symptoms of over-exercising include injuries such as stress fractures, tendinitis and a low immune system.过度运动的症状包括应力性骨折、肌腱炎和免疫力低下等损伤。

11、the ideal pace to jog 理想的慢跑配速
So how much exercise is too much? Research by the Journal of the American College of Cardiology found the ideal pace to jog was about eight kilometres per hour . 那么多少运动量算太多呢?《美国心脏病学会杂志》的研究发现,理想的慢跑配速大约八公里每小时。

12、be inactive 不活动的
undertake strenuous jogging 进行费力的慢跑
It was best to jog no more than three times a week or for 2.5 hours in total, showing that moderate jogging is possibly more beneficial than being inactive or undertaking strenuous jogging.慢跑最好每星期不超过三次或25小时同时表明适度的慢跑可能对身体更有益,而并非进行费力的慢跑。

13、a sprinter 短跑健将
If you re more of a couch potato than a sprinter, this might sound like good news.如果你是一个电视迷而不是短跑健将,这听起来可能是个好消息。

14、amateur athletes  业余运动员
push their bodies to the limit 把自己的身体推向极限
But for amateur athletes who can t help but push their bodies to the limit, the advice from Martin Turner, a sports and exercise psychologist,  is, “it s all about letting go, not being obsessed,learning not to control everything, saying, You don t need to be perfect.” 但对于那些忍不住要把自己的身体推向极限的业余运动员来说,运动和运动心理学家马丁·特纳的建议是关键是放手,不要沉迷,学会不要控制一切,告诉自己,你不必完美。






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